Magicicada tredecim (Walsh and Riley 1868)

Riley’s 13-year Pharaoh Cicada

Magicicada tredecim L-R: Male dorsal, Male ventral, Female dorsal, Female ventral.

Generally similar to M. septendecim and M. neotredecim in appearance and behavior, but with lower pitched songs and lacking dark bands on underside of abdomen. Underside of abdomen varies from light orange to caramel color; sometimes light color extends up sides of abdomen above spiracles. Bar is approximately 1 cm. Where M. tredecim is in contact with M. neotredecim, M. neotredecim exhibits a striking pattern of reproductive character displacement in male call pitch and female pitch preference.

You can rotate the 3-D models of M. tredecim below to see them from all angles.

General information about the signals of this species is included here.

Magicicada tredecim songs:

Courtship I/ Calling song

Courtship II song

Courtship III song

Approximate range

In the map below, cicada symbols are verified records in our database as of 10 March 2025. This map may not be reproduced without written permission.
